Launched 25th September 2008
Launched 25th September 2008

Welcome to Eternal Shapley Archives version 2.0!
Our Purpose?
Inspired by our brother site, DBSK Archives, a group of fans from the official Soompi CSJH The Grace thread got together to create a similar site for CSJH The Grace.
This blog was created to provide CSJH The Grace|TSZX|Tenjochiki media (e.g. download links, lyrics, translations, and pictures). We also provide a full bibliography and discography.
Since we understand that not all fans have the resources to access media and not all know about the wonders of The Grace, we provide these services freely.
However, please DO SUPPORT The Grace by buying their albums/singles. It is the only way to show our appreciation and love for them, their wonderful music, and their untiring hard work.
We will try to update and improve this site as regularly as we can.
What is Graceful 4 Network?
Please click here for more information.

Please read our rules. Follow them or we will resort to drastic measures.
We will post the latest uploads and their links here as well as notes to our regular visitors.
Full and updated bibliography is available here. You may link or copy any information found here if credits are included.
Name says it all. Lyrics, translations, kanji, hangeul, credits, and everything else.
Downloads for audio, video, and any odds and ends. Everyone's favorite page.
We strive to have everyone's favorite girls' photos available. It is in the process of migration to Photobucket at the moment. The ride might temporarily be a bit bumpy.
Full list of all The Grace's releases. Also contains links to lyrics, if you prefer a chronological order.
Still in the process of collecting credits. We appreciate your patience and consideration.

Site organizer, half-founder, and main contributor of this site. Organized downloads, lyrics, and audio section. Main finder and uploader of all download links. Main graphic artist.
Handles clean-ups, most of the coding problems, layout, maintenance, some graphic designing, and all the odds and ends of keeping the site up, running, and clean. . .most of the time. Also the other half of the founding team.
Creator of Graceful Subs, the Graceful 4 Network, TSZX News, and Elegance. Eternal Shapley Archives was her brainchild. Worked for GOE;SS (Gods of the East Subbing Squad). Handles some coding problems as well as most site advising. Romaniz-er and translator.
Also known as Minakie. Monitors and reuploads download links, otherwise known as a seeder.
Thanks for volunteering!
Our new graphic artist! Thank you^^
A big thank you is in order to ziyuN07, crunkypop, saltnpepper, thanh_dana for their help in locating more resources.

If you want to be part of the team (graphic designing, uploading, translating, romanizing, and research), you are welcome to join! Email eternalshapley@yahoo.com to apply.
If you have links that we don't have yet, please email us and we will put it up with full credit.

We will feel really thankful if you leave comments, suggestions, encouragement or just a 'HI' if you find this site helpful. You probably don't know this, but we will NEVER get tired of reading the comments and of course it will give us the strength to continue with this site.
We would really appreciate it as well if you help promote this site by telling other people and link back to us.
Thank you so much for visiting and we hope you all have a wonderful time1